About the Workshop:
“We need help with social media, but don’t know where to start.” Social Media can be a powerful tool for any business, but it can also be overwhelming, stressful, and confusing. Hype Queen Media is here to help! During this workshop, we will work through the best tips, tricks, and resources of Facebook and Instagram to make managing your online presence easier and more effective. We will also dive into what you should be posting and begin to build a strategy by creating a 4-week content calendar together.
This workshop is a great fit for those who are starting out in social media management, or for those who have other duties on their plate and just want to be more efficient and intentional.
This is an in-person workshop at Network for Strong Communities (8050 Watson Rd).
About the Presenter:
Leshay Reed loves connecting with people, celebrating them, and telling stories. What started as a side hustle, turned into earning a master’s degree in Strategic Communication and Leadership, and is now known as Hype Queen Media, a boutique social media agency! HQM supports small business owners by hyping them up through social media management, content creation, influencer marketing, and social media training. With a background in education, dance, and communications, Leshay brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to help you thrive in this interactive workshop.