The Evaluation Association of St. Louis has partnered with the Greater Boston Evaluation Network to offer this virtual learning opportunity. The Zoom link for joining the event will be sent out prior. Session Abstract: Community health needs assessments are beneficial for many reasons, such as obtaining information on the current strengths of communities, identifying gaps and areas for improvement, and ...
When you are working on a grant proposal, do you find yourself… Creating a new program budget for each proposal? Crafting a new organizational statement to fit the character count? Modifying your programs just a little bit to meet the funder’s guidelines? Asking for an updated organizational budget to share with the funder where you “actually” are for the year? ...
A turbulent election year and a global public health crisis have left many of us wondering what we can do to drive meaningful change in our communities. How can we make our voices heard? Join us on September 15th as we hear from Z Gorley, Communications Director at ArchCity Defenders, about advocacy that is people- and community-centered. They'll discuss how ...
The foundation of supervision is proper and appropriate delegation, and that is often the challenge in most supervisory relationships. Although delegation is often viewed as only relevant in the supervisor’s realm, issues related to emotional intelligence, position match and fit as well staff expectations often drive successful delegation or impede progress. In this 90 minute workshop we will examine those key elements; emotional ...
Join us to hear from local professionals about the lessons they've learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. Featuring Michael Rubin, Rhonda Gray, Dan Reynolds, and Michael McMillan (not pictured). Moderated by Rachel Covington. Agenda Each section consists of a 15 minute presentation followed by a 5 minute q/a session. 11:30 am: Stay the Course, Michael Rubin 11:50 am: Developing a New Community ...
Many of us struggle with finding a balance between passive and aggressive communication. Assertive communication expresses what you believe and how it can be achieved in a way that is strong, open, tactful and effective and also allows the other to respond. Learning how to speak assertively is a key leadership skill. This seminar will help you stand up for yourself ...
Welcome to a new virtual evaluation learning experience. Evalpalooza is a 4 hour long focused, interactive, small, virtual session facilitated by evaluation thought leaders around a key topic. Sessions are limited to only 100 individuals (including presenters), are conducted via Zoom, and are interactive. (Yes, you are expected to interact!) The September event will be led by Kylie Hutchinson. Sheila ...
Need an extra set of hands as you weather the current challenges? Look no further than your Board of Directors. As the saying goes "Don't Waste a Crisis!" This virtual workshop, lead by seasoned consultant Wendy Dyer, will explore ways to better engage with your board to utilize their talents and skills as we get through the pandemic, economic response, ...