The 5 Things You Need to Know to Run a Successful Monthly Giving Program

Network for Strong Communities 8050 Watson Rd. Ste 240, St. Louis, MO, United States

This practical how-to session led by two experts in monthly giving will equip you to start, or continue to grow, a successful monthly giving program for your organization. Filled with helpful tips and action-oriented ideas you can start using right away, you will learn how to plan, implement, monitor and improve any monthly giving program.   At the conclusion of this ...


Thinking About Starting a Nonprofit? (PART 2)

St. Louis Public Library (Central) 1301 Olive Street , St. Louis, MO, United States

This two-part program is presented by Sue Greenberg of Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts and Tracy James of Legal Services for Eastern Missouri, who will offer the following: Best Choices and Basic Steps   Tuesday, September 6, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Nuts & Bolts for Success and Sustainability   Tuesday, September 13, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

Thinking About Starting a Nonprofit?

St. Louis Public Library (Central) 1301 Olive Street , St. Louis, MO, United States

This two-part program is presented by Sue Greenberg of Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts and Tracy James of Legal Services for Eastern Missouri, who will offer the following:   Best Choices and Basic Steps Tuesday, September 6, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Nuts & Bolts for Success and Sustainability Tuesday, September 13, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

Basics of Grant Research

Network for Strong Communities 8050 Watson Rd. Ste 240, St. Louis, MO, United States

About the Workshop: Basics of Grant Research RESEARCH METHODS TO IDENTIFY FOUNDATION, CORPORATE AND GOVERNMENTAL FUNDING PROSPECTS You will learn the fundamentals of researching and identifying corporations, foundations and government agencies that are good fits to help fund your organization's mission and programs. Appropriate research takes time and is well worth the investment. This workshop introduces you to research resources and methods. You will ...


Relationship Fundraising – Where Do We Go From Here?

Network for Strong Communities 8050 Watson Rd. Ste 240, St. Louis, MO, United States

This webinar presents the key findings from a comprehensive review of the theory underpinning relationships fundraising.  It presents the most relevant current thinking from marketing and social psychology and explores how it might be applied to fundraising. It also reveals what leading practitioners in the project's advisory group think are the biggest challenges facing this mode of fundraising.   At ...


Knock Their Socks Off – Adult Presentation Techniques

# 92 JC Penney Conference Center (UM-St. Louis North Campus) One University Blvd. , St. Louis, MO, United States

Friday, Sept. 23, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. #92 JC Penney Conference Center on the UMSL north campus Most nonprofits deal with adult volunteers, and nonprofit trainers and staff know that teaching adults is much different than teaching children. Adults have certain expectations and learning styles that need to be utilized in order for them to retain the ...


Development Professionals Brown Bag Lunch

Network for Strong Communities 8050 Watson Rd. Ste 240, St. Louis, MO, United States

About the Brown Bag: Participants will: - Grab a bite with other professionals (lunch will be provided)  - Share their experiences with capturing donor stories - what works and why? - Discuss how to create the most impact and meaning with video of planning giving donors telling their stories – how they have been touched by the organization, what the ...


How to Develop & Write a Grant Proposal

Network for Strong Communities 8050 Watson Rd. Ste 240, St. Louis, MO, United States

How to Develop and Write a Grant Proposal You will learn the fundamentals of how to develop and write the various components of a good grant proposal worthy of funding. During the session you will learn: How to prepare for writing a proposal How to gather and prepare preliminary information How to develop ideas for the proposal How to outline project ...


The Momentum Conference

Network for Strong Communities 8050 Watson Rd. Ste 240, St. Louis, MO, United States

What happens when you gather community stakeholders into one space, give them two days to connect with others who share their commitment, and provide the opportunity to learn from top minds in the nonprofit industry? You empower an enormous force for positive community change! NSC’s 2016 Momentum Conference is a first-of-its-kind event that will draw nonprofits, funders, community leaders and ...

Building a Holistic Approach to Grant Seeking

Network for Strong Communities 8050 Watson Rd. Ste 240, St. Louis, MO, United States

Join Cynthia M. Adams, CEO of GrantStation, and Monique Hanson, Chief Development Officer of NPR, in this fast-paced, information packed webinar on how to build a grant seeking program for your organization. Drawing on decades of experience, our presenters will provide practical advice, suggest processes you may want to adopt, and guide you toward developing a grant seeking program that ...
