Planning for Success in a Post-Pandemic World

Virtual Workshop

Businesses are reopening, people are traveling, and life appears to be on a path to normal...Where do nonprofits fall on the Covid continuum? We'll check in with a panel of nonprofit experts for a pandemic update and learn how their respective worlds have evolved since Covid-19 upended life as we know it. From budget shortfalls, furloughs, and layoffs to cancelled ...


EASL Happy Hour

Schlafly Bottleworks  7260 Southwest Avenue, Maplewood, MO, United States

Join EASL at Schlafly Bottleworks in Maplewood for happy hour! We look forward to getting together again for socializing and networking. We will meet outside on the patio. We hope to see you there!

The Intersection of Evaluation and Quality Improvement

Virtual Workshop

Description: Evaluation and Quality Improvement are both applications of evaluative thinking - asking questions, answering them with data, and using the findings to learn and improve. Unsurprisingly, the two approaches call upon similar motives and skills. However, each has its own set of unique, value-adding tools and processes that can enhance the practice of the other. In this webinar, we ...


Effective Grant Teams

Virtual Workshop

“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go with others.”-African Proverb  This age-old quote confirms the value of a team. In the world of grants, we all know that teams can increase the quality of a project or proposal, bring creativity and innovative ideas, and maximize potential for success. But just because they can do ...


Fundraising 101

Virtual Workshop

This fast-paced, two-hour interactive workshop is designed for development professionals early in their career who want to hit the ground running with healthy habits that will last a lifetime.  Build your working toolkit with techniques you can put to immediate use for individual fundraising - including major gifts and digital platforms - plus best efforts to secure foundation and corporate ...


Grants 101

Virtual Workshop

Grants 101 is designed to provide attendees with an overview of the grant writing process. Participants will learn about different types of grant funders, the core components of a grant application, common attachments, how to work within their organization to find the information they need, and how to build and manage relationships with funders. Participants do not need to have ...


Major Gifts and the 80/20 and 95/5 Rule

Virtual Workshop

Major gifts provide one of the highest returns on investment of any development shop.  Learn how the increasing wage gap in the U.S. is impacting major gifts, what you can do to capitalize on the trends, and why it's important to nurture gifts of all levels.   About the Presenter:  Wendy Dyer Wendy Dyer, President of Wendy Dyer Fund Development Consultants, has ...


Making Your Evaluation and Research Findings Sticky with Kylie Hutchinson

Virtual Workshop

People need data more than ever nowadays. But with so much going on, they have even less bandwidth to absorb what we give them. The solution? Sticky messaging! The evaluation profession (and others) have wholeheartedly embraced smaller and more innovative forms of reporting over the years such as infographics, two-page reports, slidedocs, and story maps. However, these briefer forms of ...


Grant Research: Identifying Private Grant Funders

Virtual Workshop

This class is designed to give participants (nonprofit employees and board members) hands on experience in identifying foundation and corporate funders that are likely to give to their organization. Participants will learn how to identify appropriate funders, how to verify the funder is a good fit, and how to outreach the funder for more information. Participants will leave class with ...
