Philanthropy After Hours: Beverages to Enhance Equity in Relationships (BEER)


Gateway Center for Giving, EPIP St. Louis, Gladiator Consulting, YNPN St. Louis, NSC, and AFP St. Louis are excited to co-host St. Louis's second annual Beverage to Enhance Equity in Relationships (BEER) social event, sponsored by Bank of America. In the interest of health and safety, this year's event will be online. Jim Kemp of Bank of America will serve as our MC, interviewing several interesting guests ...

Managing Everyday Anxiety and Worry

Virtual Workshop

Learn relaxation skills for calming the body during times of anxiety and worry. Participants will practice self-talk techniques for minimizing worry and preventing anxious thoughts. A personal strength exercise will be introduced to help participants manage and prevent anxiety and worry. Participants will develop a peaceful feeling of confidence by using a peaceful scene exercise to minimize anxiety and worry. ...


Re-Imagining Power in St. Louis Nonprofits


Who or what holds power in your organization? How can we as nonprofit professionals, ensure inclusion, diversity, equity, and access are embraced as guiding principles? Join us for a provocative and powerful panel discussion with thought leaders Antoinette Carroll, Erica Williams, and Aimee Wehmeier who will discuss diversity within power structures in St. Louis nonprofits. Upon registering, you will receive an email ...


LIVE Webinar: Starting and Governing a Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Organization – a Primer


Participate in this web-based class for an updated primer on how to start a Missouri nonprofit corporation that will seek to obtain 501(c)(3) tax exempt status from the IRS. This class will also cover the basics of good governance policies, strategies, and requirements that will allow your organization to maintain its 501(c)(3) tax exempt status on an ongoing basis once you ...


Census Data: Highlights in the St. Louis Area

Virtual Workshop

The 2020 Census counted every person living in the United States and the five U.S. territories. The 2020 Census marked the 24th time that the country has counted its population; the first was in 1790. In addition to the Decennial, conducted every 10 years, the Census Bureau conducts surveys year-round. Currently they are conducting a survey on the impact of ...


AFP St. Louis Chapter Annual Update: Using Goal Management to Enhance Your Life and Impact

Virtual Workshop

Join AFP St. Louis Chapter for our NEW annual update meeting, to be held each spring.  AFP Chapter President Lyndsey Reichardt and President-Elect Theresa Fleck will share our accomplishments from 2020, our goals for 2021, and future plans for AFP St. Louis. Then, fundraising expert Martin Leifeld will present on goal setting and goal management. In this presentation Martin will ...

Give STL Day

Make a donation on Give STL Day to your favorite St. Louis nonprofit and watch your gift make a bigger impact. Give STL Day is powered by the St. Louis Community Foundation and is a part of the Foundation's initiative to expand charitable giving in our community and to strengthen our local nonprofit sector.

Planning for Success in a Post-Pandemic World

Virtual Workshop

Businesses are reopening, people are traveling, and life appears to be on a path to normal...Where do nonprofits fall on the Covid continuum? We'll check in with a panel of nonprofit experts for a pandemic update and learn how their respective worlds have evolved since Covid-19 upended life as we know it. From budget shortfalls, furloughs, and layoffs to cancelled ...
