Major Gifts and the 80/20 and 95/5 Rule

Virtual Workshop

Major gifts provide one of the highest returns on investment of any development shop.  Learn how the increasing wage gap in the U.S. is impacting major gifts, what you can do to capitalize on the trends, and why it's important to nurture gifts of all levels.   About the Presenter:  Wendy Dyer Wendy Dyer, President of Wendy Dyer Fund Development Consultants, has ...


Making Your Evaluation and Research Findings Sticky with Kylie Hutchinson

Virtual Workshop

People need data more than ever nowadays. But with so much going on, they have even less bandwidth to absorb what we give them. The solution? Sticky messaging! The evaluation profession (and others) have wholeheartedly embraced smaller and more innovative forms of reporting over the years such as infographics, two-page reports, slidedocs, and story maps. However, these briefer forms of ...
