Virtual Engagement: How to Create Participatory Virtual Experiences that Keep your Donors Engaged in Times of Crisis

Join us for a hands-on training where you will learn how to create participatory virtual experiences for your supporters. Worried that the cancellation of your in-person experiences (events, meetings, tours, performances, and trips) will lead to lost donations and connections? Wondering what else to do besides update your donors and ask for money? COVID-19 is creating an urgent need for human connection ...

Nonprofit Virtual Happy Hour

AFP St. Louis recognizes these times are unprecedented and nonprofit professionals may need to vent, commiserate, seek guidance, celebrate successes, or just "hang out" with other like-minded individuals! We are hosting a "Nonprofit Happy Hour" for any and all nonprofit professionals on Thursday, April 23rd, from 4 to 5 pm. This is an informal virtual gathering, and each participant is encouraged ...