Teamwork: Creating and Sustaining Collaborative Working Relationships

Network for Strong Communities 8050 Watson Rd. Ste 240, St. Louis

Teamwork has become a buzz word in all professional worlds.  The importance of developing and sustaining collective team projects and activities drives the work in the nonprofit world.  Often we believe we are forging ahead as a team, until it's time to access our work or evaluate our success and that is when we begin to understand the difference between ...


Stop the Measurement Madness: Measurement Strategies that are Meaningful and Manageable

St. Louis Public Library (Central) 1301 Olive Street , St. Louis

All too often, nonprofits either measure too little, trusting in their intuition that their work is impactful, or they measure everything, losing sight of what matters most. In this GFC workshop, Sarah Buek, MSW, LCSW, founder of Insight Partners Consulting, LLC, will help participants explore several strategies for finding the happy medium, including: how to find and select appropriate standardized ...