1st Quarter Christian Volunteer Managers Network Meeting

Lutheran Hour Ministries 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, St. louis

Join with others from St. Louis area churches and organizations to discuss what works, what doesn’t, and how to best manage your volunteers effectively. This quarter’s meeting will focus on how to best manage and engage both Christian and non-Christian volunteers who are working side-by-side in your organization or congregation. Guest Speakers: Sara Lux is the Director of Development at The Bridge ...


Build Your Donor Base from Scratch

Network for Strong Communities 8050 Watson Rd. Ste 240, St. Louis

About the Workshop: Build your Donor Base from Scratch So you don't have a natural constituency, right?  No alumni!  No grateful patients!  What to do?  Attend this hands-on workshop and learn how to build a donor base from scratch.  This workshop is for small nonprofits who are likely reliant on grant funding and who struggle to develop a pool of ...
