About the Workshop:
Big Gifts – Small Shops
Think you can’t get big gifts in small shops? Think again! Learn to educate, inspire, and motivate your entire agency, including your Board, to get behind the major gifts process. Together we’ll unravel the mysteries of building the case for funding, identifying major gift prospects, preparing for solicitation, cultivating, making the ask, and saying thanks well. We’ll also talk about the differences between starting and building a major gift program. Best of all, we’ll learn to engage your full team in the process and make the process work for them AND for you. Sometimes, bigger is better!
About the Presenter:
Linda B. Haley, CFRE
Principal, Let’s Build Hope, LLC
Since 1995, Linda has successfully developed funds, helping to raise more than $100 million for various non-profits, including religious, social services, educational, and healthcare organizations. She coordinated the annual fund efforts of nine major ministries of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and then provided leadership on a $440 million campaign. Linda led Advancement Services’ efforts for McKendree University before moving to Zielinski Companies to work as a fund development consultant. There, Linda directed a team of three senior consultants and created popular development products, increasing sales revenue by 658% during her five-year tenure.
Linda moved into the social services realm in 2006, serving as Chief Development Officer for TouchPoint Autism Services and growing fund development revenue by 271% in five years. Linda became CDO for Youth Learning Center, where she led her own one-person shop and built the development program from the ground up! Realizing a long-time dream, Linda started Let’s Build Hope, LLC, in 2013. She now works closely with various nonprofit agencies, teaching, coaching, and mentoring development officers, staff at all levels, and volunteer leaders, especially Board members.
Linda obtained her CFRE credential in 2001, maintaining it for 14 years and now facilitating the CFRE Review Course in St. Louis. She serves in various volunteer capacities with non-profits in St. Louis, including as a Marketing Committee member for Mental Health America of Eastern Missouri and on the Conference and Sponsorship Committees of AFP St. Louis. Linda writes and speaks regularly about fund development and has been published in The Major Gifts Report and Successful Fundraising.